Moving The starting player can be chosen at random or preset from the New Game dialog using the “First Thinker” option. The starting player will always move vertically and will select any available tile along the vertical column containing the marker tile “⌘”. If the “Rotation” option is available, the player may rotate the board before selecting a tile. The tile selected is then removed from the board and replaced by the marker tile. The tile that previously contained the marker tile is replaced with a check mark “⇧” to indicate that that the tile has already been selected. Once a tile is selected, it has been used and cannot be selected again during the game. The second player now selects any available tile from the horizontal row in which the marker tile “⌘” now appears. The selected tile is then changed to a “⌘” and the old marker tile is replaced with a “⇧”. Play continues like this until all the tiles are selected or until one player can no longer make a move in their row or column. The player with the most points at this time is declared the winner. (see next page for example)